Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Descriptions of the Endless

Image of the Day:  How you can somehow internally feel the snow melting slowly, hear the birds singing new spring songs, and bask as the sun burnishes snow banks.

What I'm reading:  Women, The New York School, and Other True Abstractions by Maggie Nelson.  Nelson, who wrote Bluets which was so incredible.  This book is just as incredible:  Her study on the painter Joan Mitchell, who said, "I want to paint the feeling of a space," and also, "painting never ends, it is the only thing in the world which is both continuous and still" (20 and 22 respectively). 

What I'm writing:  in my journal, descriptions of the endless snow and its endless changing. 

How I'm feeling:  sore throat, stuffy head, snot-filled nose. 

What I'm waiting for:  next week, on Spring Break!!!

What I'm gonna do on said Spring Break:  create my own writing residency....

What bird I recently saw:  Bufflehead merganser.

What poem to read:

Child of a lighthouse keeper and a firewatch,
conceived in a wordless encounter
at a rest stop—

1 part flywheel, 8 parts resraint—

luminous with near-disaster,

says, Don't try to mirror this

 world of nothing-is-as-it-seems.

Set down no word. Says, by means

 of a searching pause

 I mistake for an intimate nod,

 Step inside the caution tape.

Naomi Mulvihill

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